
Knee Pain Treatments
[vc_column_text]The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body. The most common causes of knee pain are:
1. Overuse stresses
2. Faulty mechanics (such as muscle imbalance or constant knee flaring)
3. Arthritis
4. Direct knee trauma (auto accident, impact upon falling, sports injury)
5. Post Surgery
Serious injuries usually involve swelling within 2 hours, sharp pain, and buckling with every step. The actual problem is diagnosed through orthopedic and neurologic evaluation, and possibly some imaging such as Xray, MRI, or arthroscopy.
The possible structures that could be affected are:
1. Bone (femur, tibia, patella, fibula, etc.)
2. Ligament (MCL, LCL, etc.)
3. Menisci
4. Muscle (usually the tendons)
5. Vasculature (arteries and veins especially with posterior knee pain)
6. Nerve
Yaun Chiropractic evaluates all kinds of pain through physical examination, orthopedic and neurologic testing, functional assessment, and possible referral for advanced imaging. Treatment, depending on the specific structure involved, usually consists of the following:
1. Ice or heat (to promote healing and pain reduction)
2. Knee joint mobilization (to improve joint function)
3. Soft Tissue Therapy (to lengthen or relax the tissue and to help the scarring become more functional)
4. Progressive Rehabilitation (usually begins with simple, single joint exercises then progresses to actual functional movements such as the beginning movements of a squat, lunges, balance, etc.)
5. Possible Custom Orthotics
Call or email Yaun Chiropractic and we will provide you with the best treatment options available. We strive for patient education, so if you have any concern or apprehension please contact us for a consultation.